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Unmask the Facts is back for the last time this week to keep you in the loop about the biggest breaking news and research regarding the COVID-19 virus, the variants, and the vaccines

In this final update, we discuss the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S., survey results that complicate the relationship between vaccine misinformation and vaccine beliefs, and a CDC advisory meeting next week that's poised to launch the country's fall COVID-19 vaccine strategy and campaign. Read all about these insights and more in August/September's Unmask the Facts!

This month marks the end of the Medicaid Unwinding process in Idaho, part of the end of Covid-19 emergency measures across the country. However, with 12 free clinics in the state and now over 120,000 Idahoans off Medicaid, many will remain uninsured if they cannot access insurance beyond Medicaid, and an already increased demand for free clinics will continue.

The Idaho Association of Free and Charitable Clinics, which represents these 12 clinics that work tirelessly to bring quality healthcare to all Idahoans, is concerned that access to care will be severely impacted and, with it, the healthcare outcomes of our fellow citizens.

The clinics we represent are staffed almost entirely by volunteer medical professionals and are committed to their patients, but will need support to continue to make sure every patient who needs care can get it.

Two of Idaho’s oldest free clinics Genesis Community Clinic and Pocatello Free Clinic are working to prepare for the outcome of Medicaid Unwinding:

“We were able to provide quality care before Medicaid expansion, and we are committed to providing care after this phase of Medicaid. We continue to be so grateful for the support of our community and continue to appeal to their compassion and generosity.” Steve Davis, CEO of Genesis Community Clinics.

“We know that we are the last stop for many Idahoans without insurance. We have been told so many times by patients: ‘if your clinics weren’t here, I would have nowhere to go’ ”, Sherrie Joseph, Executive Director at the Pocatello Free Clinic.

The next year will be a crucial time to make sure our neighbors and friends have access to quality healthcare and don’t fall through the cracks. Increased support from local volunteers and donors is vital for how Idahoans and the free clinics rise to this challenge.

Patient Stories (photos and videos for press use):

215 W 35th St

Garden City, Idaho 83714


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