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Donate to support neighbors helping neighbors access healthcare

Your donation improves the quality of life for Idahoans by supporting, strengthening, and advocating for a high-quality free clinic system. Free clinics are here to safeguard and support the health of Idahoans during times of hardship.

Join IAFCC's Board of Directors

Do you believe in expanding access to healthcare for our neighbors? Do you want to support Idaho's free clinics on a state level? Do you have special skills, knowledge, or enthusiasm to contribute to our team?


If you answered "yes" to these questions, we want to hear from you!

Please fill out our form or contact our leadership team at  We are currently accepting applications on a rolling basis.

Volunteer Health Care

Provider Immunity

IDAHO CODE Title 39, Chapter 77: The legislature of the state of Idaho finds that access to high-quality health care services is a concern of all persons. However, access to such services is severely limited for some residents of the state, particularly those who reside in remote, rural areas or in the urban areas. Physicians and other health care professionals have traditionally worked to assure broad access to health care services and many are willing to volunteer their services to address the health care needs of Idahoans who may otherwise not be able to obtain such services. The public policy of this state is to encourage and facilitate voluntary provision of health care services.


Are you interested in giving your time and expertise to improve the lives of others?

Free clinics offer a different kind of healthcare. Care that is driven by people helping people. Not profits. We provide local solutions to serve our neighbors and elevate our communities.


IAFCC is comprised of 12 independent member clinics. Last year we provided primary care services for more than 5,000 Idahoans. Check out our Find a Clinic page to locate a clinic in your area.

Healthcare professionals, businesspeople, marketing specialists, social media gurus, office assistants, board members, community health workers, students, and interns are needed. 

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